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License Plate Lookup — Can You Conduct a License Plate Lookup Online?

There may come a time when you need to run a license plate trace. Suppose there is a car parked on your street for an extended period of time that you do not recognize and it is making you nervous? You could go to the authorities, but perhaps you don’t want to do anything quite so drastic. By running a license plate trace, you can get information about the owner of the vehicle. From there, you can use that information to perform criminal checks on that person to ensure they are not a danger to you or others. Of course, if you see someone in a vehicle doing something criminal, take the license plate number to the police.

Another reason you might need to find the owner of a vehicle is if you notice a “For Sale” sign but didn’t catch the number before the car drove away. Running a license plate trace is a great way to find out the name, address and phone number of the owner so you can contact him or her. There are quite a few online resources that can help you, but they’re going to cost money. Unfortunately there is no way for the public to trace license plate numbers for free.  Examples of these sites include Best People Search, Akiba and Squidoo. The average fee for a search of this type is around $39 to $75. Some searches will cost less or more depending on how in-depth they are.

There is, however one way to contact the owner of a license plate number for free. Search Plates is a site that claims to offer a free license plate search. However, you do not get any information about the vehicle owner. You do get the ability to send the person a text message or email. This is a good option if you want to contact someone you saw in a car but don’t want to invade their privacy. Personal privacy is a very sensitive issue these days, so before you perform any sort of license plate search, make sure you’re not in violation of anyone’s personal rights.

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