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Reverse Domain Name/Server Search

Did you know you can search domain names to find out information about the owner? A reverse domain name server search uses this information to tell you the name and address of the person who owns the domain. There are various reasons why you might need to do this. One reason is if you want to purchase the domain, or attempt to purchase the domain from its current owner. Sometimes people will sell their domain if the price is right. Some people even go into business buying and selling domain names.

Or maybe you’ve got a question for the owner of a website but there is no contact information listed for them.  Or their contact information is incorrect. In that case, a reverse domain search can give you the details you need. WhoIs is the best place to search for the owner of a domain. Simply enter the domain name complete with its extension, and you’ll be shown who the owner is. Some people have private domains. Private domains are represented by other companies who serve as middleman. If you want to talk to the owner of the domain, you go through their proxy company.

This is actually a quite common practice, with identity theft on the rise.  Having your domain name privately registered only costs a few extra dollars a year and can save you a lot of hassle. You can still contact the owner of the domain if they are privately registered, you just can’t see their contact details. Their proxy company forwards your email to them. It’s an easy way for domain owners to protect their private information.

If you’ve got an IP address rather than a domain, you can search for the information related to it on sites like Reverse DNS Lookup and DNS Stuff.  These resources are free to use and can be just what you need to track down the contact information you’re looking for. If you are unable to find what you’re looking for using free tools, there are paid services and databases out there as well. Check sites like Intelius and Akiba if you’re interested in a paid search, as they represent some of the best available.

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