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Reverse Email Search

If you spend any time on the Internet, there may come a time when you will need to perform a reverse email search. This is commonly done when you’ve been contacted by someone online and all you have to go by is their email address. These searches work by using the email address to search various databases to discover personal information that may be related to the address. This may include name and sometimes even telephone number. There are some sites that let you perform these searches absolutely free.

Squidoo and InfoSpace are examples of websites where you can perform reverse email searches for free. This service can be quite valuable if you receive a lot of spam. By tracing the email address, you can find out more about the sender, such as their name and possibly how to get removed from their mailing list. There may be other email addresses associated with the address you’re searching where you can reach the person sending the spam. Often, these pestering emails are sent from an autoresponder, which means your replies to the address are never seen by human eyes.

Or perhaps you want to send a gift or promotional item such as a print catalog via snail mail. Rather than bother asking the email address owner for their mailing address (which they may view as an invasion of privacy,) do a reverse email search and see if you can get the information that way.  As you can see, there are various handy uses for a reverse email search.

If the email address owner has taken precautions, however, you may not be able to find anything about them listed with the free directories. In this case, you might want to pay for a search. You can either pay to use online databases, or you can hire a professional to perform the search for you. If you go the database route, you can expect to pay anywhere from around $25 to $75 per search depending on which one you use. Professional investigators, on the other hand, cost around $50 to $100 per hour depending on your geographic location.

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