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Reverse License Plate Number Search

If you need to find the owner of a specific license plate, there are a few options available to you. The Internet is an incredible resource for tracking down a great deal of personal information including license plate information. The tricky part is figuring out which tools are worth using and which should be avoided. The first thing you should take into account are your reasons for seeking the information.

For example, if you saw someone in a vehicle committing a criminal act, the best thing to do is to take the license plate number to the police. This is the safest and most efficient way to handle this situation. The police have total access to databases that allow them to enter a piece of information such as a license plate number and get back lots of crucial details about the vehicle’s owner. However, what if your reasons for seeking the information have nothing to do with crime of any sort? In that case it is a good idea to turn to the Web to find out what you need to know.

There are lots of sites like Akiba and Intelius where you can perform all kinds of searches for a reasonable fee. By entering as much information as you have such as a license plate number, you can find out the name, address, phone number and email of who you are looking for. You will likely also get information about the vehicle itself like title holder, vehicle identification number and whether or not there are any liens on the vehicle.  You can expect to pay around $75 for this service.

Your final option is to hire a professional investigator or detective to run the search for you. The pros have access to databases and tools that the general public does not. This will definitely be the most expensive way to go, but might also be the only way if you are unable to find the owner’s information any other way. To find an investigator in your area, check your local Yellow Pages or do a bit of Web surfing. Many modern investigators have web sites which describe their rates and services.

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