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Example: 505-655-4545

Reverse License Tag Search — How to Find Out Who Owns a Tag Number

Finding out who owns a tag number is as simple as getting online. There are quite a few websites on the Internet these days which can trace license plate numbers and provide you with the information of the owner. Akiba and Best People Search are two examples of some of the best search sites availble today. However, these sites are not free to use. There are reasonable fees associated with tracing a license plate number online. The only free search site that exists today is Search Plates.

Search Plates offers free searches, but they do not provide you with the information associated with the owner of the vehicle. They do offer you the ability to send an email message or text message to the owner of the vehicle, however. This is an ideal option if you need to get a message to the person but don’t want to pay for a search or do anything that might be considered an invasion of privacy.

A good reason to use Search Plates is if you wanted to ask a question about someone’s vehicle. Maybe you liked their car and wanted to know where they bought it. Or perhaps you wanted to ask the driver of the car out on a date. In either case, this free site can come in quite handy! However as previously mentioned, f you are looking for the name and contact information of the driver, this site won’t be of much help.

There is another option if the websites like Akiba, Best People Search and Search Plates don’t work for you. You can choose to hire a private investigator to do the job for you. Private investigators cost more than any other option but are often the most effective way to go. You can locate the investigators in your area by searching your local Yellow Pages. If there is more than one listed, call around to the different investigators in your area to see who offers the best services for the best price. A little comparison shopping can often save you a great deal on an expensive service.

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