Reverse Search Any Cell or Landline Phone Number.

Results may include Full Name, Address, and more.

Example: 505-655-4545

Reverse Search Tools

Here’s a listing of some of the top resources for different types of reverse searches:

  • Reverse Cell Phone Search
  • License Plate Search
  • Cell Phone Directory
  • Unlisted Phone Number Search
  • Reverse Email Search
  • Reverse Phone Search
  • search by address
  • More Reverse Searches

Reverse IP Search

Despite the common myth that some believe concerning how it is impossible to find someone by their IP address, the sole purpose of the IP address is to allow networked computers to know when a specific IP logs onto a network and follow what it is doing. The IP address is used to inventory members on-line who are using the internet or networked systems.

The internet is an important tool for many businesses and individuals. At times, it may be necessary to determine who the owner of an IP address is for legal reasons and to investigate further the individual. The IP address, also know as “Internet Protocol” address, had a number system which designates where that remote computer is dialing from, even if the person has a firewall.

You will find many free services on the internet, which can do a reverse IP address search for you. These websites track down IP addresses and their respective owners by translating the numbers within the IP address. Once the number has been translated, it is possible to determine the name of the company, which is the internet provider for the person who owns the IP address.

These are some of the free websites available, which performs these searches:

There are also professional services you can take advantage of to track down the owner of the IP address you have. If you use these professional services, check their website out beforehand to check their prices before you begin using them. Professional services are handy especially if you need further information included with your search. These services are also better choices for law enforcement personnel due to the complete information, which can be obtained. However, keep in mind these services can come at a high price for more information.

Reverse Search

A reverse search is using an indirect method to locate an individual or organization. To be able to do a reverse search, you need to have certain kinds of information in order to track someone down.

This includes, but is not limited to:
• Name
• Address
• E-mail
• Phone number
• Cell number
• IP address
• License plate number

There are a number of methods available to search for a person or organization by using one or more of the above information. This includes both free and for fee searches. Either search is easy to do within just a few minutes of your time.

The internet has tremendous resources available for individuals or law enforcement personnel to search for people. If you have any of the aforementioned details, you can go to the free or for fee website and use their search database to find the person you are looking to find. If you only have a name, it is important to have another piece of information with it (i.e. the address or telephone number) to distinguish the individual from the many others who might be sharing his or her name.

If you are using the free search engines, these services are free but may be limited in their resources due to the engine being a public database. All public databases have voluntarily given information, and as such may be incomplete. Verify the website is free before you begin your search as some websites boast free searches but tell you after your search you must pay to receive the result.

If you use the for fee search engine, verify all fees before you begin your search. Be sure to only use certified websites to avoid scams or having your information (i.e. e-mail) spread.

Reverse E-mail Search

It is a common myth that it is impossible to locate or identify someone merely by an e-mail address. However, this is possible and is in fact, quite easy to accomplish. With the information located within an e-mail message, you can use the resources of the internet to locate almost anyone. You are even able to locate someone if all you have is just the e-mail itself.

The internet has provided incredible tools and resources to all users around the world. However, there at times those individuals will take advantage of these tools and try to compromise your computer by nefarious means. When this occurs, you can track these individuals down and turn them in to the authorities. Using the IP address within an e-mail, or the e-mail itself, you can locate the person who sent you the e-mail and possibly even attain the person’s name.

Even if the e-mail or the person is sending the e-mail has a firewall, it is still possible to determine who the sender is.
There are websites available that are available to perform these searches including:

This information can also be obtained by use of professional services:

However, these professional service websites will charge for their services. Be certain to verify their fees before using them.

When using these professional services, you receive a number of added bonuses. For instance, you can provide them with the e-mail in question and request for them to look into where else has this sender made an appearance. This is helpful especially to law enforcement or individuals who desire to find out where the e-mail has been and what it has been doing. In some cases, you may even be able to retrieve messages that were sent from the e-mail.

Reverse DNS Search

A DNS search is used with an IP address to determine the name and location from where a computer is functioning. In some cases, this search may also yield the name of the individual who is using the computer. This is a very easy search that any individual can commence and successfully complete.

An IP address, or “internet protocol” address, is a series of numbers assigned to a user through an internet service provider or similar service, not unlike a driver’s license. It is always active and is shown wherever you explore on the internet. An IP address can be located whenever a computer remotely logs onto an individual website, sends an e-mail, logs into an MMPG, or uses his or her account.

A DNS search is also handy if you need to verify what an employee has been doing with his or her time during working hours. You can use the DNS search to examine where the employee has been and find a list of recent searches.

If you wish to perform a DNS search, you can visit this website:

This is a free service available to anyone who wishes to do a DNS search. Another excellent website with resources and offering an internal DNS search engine is:

This website offers a number of resources including:
• Background information on DNS
• IP addresses
• How to search for them
• ICANN Registration

You can also find a number of handy tools, which will allow you to integrate your DNS searches and respond accordingly.

This last website is an additional resource but is a little more complicated in use compared to the other websites. It is mainly a general domain search, but will provide you with the necessary information you are searching for once you have provided the DNS information.

Reverse License Plate Search

A reverse license plate search can be accomplished by a number of methods. This type of search is done when you are trying to find out the name and address of the person who owns the vehicle with the license plate number you have.

If you are in a situation where you need to figure out the owner or owners of a vehicle (i.e. a hit and run or someone left behind an object you wish to return to them), you have several options you can choose from. However, at this point in time none of these options are free and are a paid service which can easily cost you a fair amount of cash.

First, you can hire a private investigator if you are truly serious about finding an owner. There are a number of options available on-line, and most can find out the information you desire within 24 hours. However, this is not a cheap option and will set you back several hundred dollars minimum.

There are also a number of on-line websites and organizations which specialize in obtaining personal information and investigating individuals for a price. They will normally charge you around $100 per request, depending on the website, and will give you a time frame in which they will need to process your request and get back to you.

However, if the reason you are doing this search has anything to do with an accident, you might be better off both financially and time-wise to give your information to either the police department and/or your insurance company. Often times both of these groups conducts these searches as part of their jobs. Make sure you file an appropriate report if there was an incident as your local police department will wish to be notified.

Reverse Address Search

Individuals will sometimes do a reverse address search for the purpose of discovering who is at a particular address and how to contact them. This may be due to any number of reasons including tracing a piece of unknown mail where you only have the return address and no name. Other times you may be trying to find the name of a business via their address for the purpose of forwarding information to them.
Doing a reverse address search is easier than doing other types of searches. With the address in hand, you know exactly where a certain place is and the rest of the information will be easy to find. Usually, these searches are very successful and will end with your knowing the person’s name and typically their phone number too.

One method of searching via reverse address is to use any free white pages search engine. All you have to do is type in the address and press search, and your results will be shown momentarily. You will almost always have the person’s name and phone number.

Another free option is to go to your local post office (this is only useful if you are sending mail) and give them the address on your envelope, and ask them to be the one’s to write in the person’s name and still maintain that person’s confidentiality.

There are also free websites available, which provides similar services, but you should be cautious of any hidden charges which may suddenly pop up before you receive your results. If in the end the free searches do not reveal any good results, your only option may be to request a pay service which will give you all of the information you need. Make sure you verify the current fees before you proceed.

The Easy Process Of Reverse Phone Number Search

A reverse phone search is a method of checking any phone number you have and determining who/what the number belongs to. 

Whether your reason is annoying prank calls, you forgot to ask a client his/her phone number, or someone left a message you are unable to make out but you have their phone number on caller ID, doing a reverse phone search can be very beneficial.

The method of doing a reverse phone search is actually very easy and usually very successful. As long as you have the telephone number and area code (total of 10 digit numbers), you should be able to find out a fair amount on whom the caller was.

There are a number of free sites on-line which can be used. Keep in mind sometimes there is no information provided due to the service being free and relying solely on volunteered information, which is obtained from a public database. One of the most extensive free sites is; it’s a good website available 24/7, which you can use to do a reverse phone search.

At this point, you have the choice of paying for a service, which can investigate the number and search for the owner or merely call the number back and see what you can find out yourself.

If the problem persists and you are unable to find out who the person is, you still have some options. First, if you are using a cell phone you can set your cell to block the number from calling you. If you are using a landline, some caller ID units offer the same option. If not, you can request your phone company block the number manually but keep in mind they usually charge you to do this.

Tracing The Information With Reverse Cell Phone Search

With most cell phones, it is not necessary to figure out who a number belongs to as the caller ID feature built into your cell phone will automatically tells you. And if you missed the call, you can still go back into your call history and do the same. But sometimes we receive calls and there is no information provided. With the use of wireless phones becoming more commonplace every day, this is especially becoming important.

Regardless of why you received the call, you want the information of who called you.

Unlike with a regular phone search, this is slightly more difficult. There are free websites available which will allow you to do searches on any number you provide. However, often these are not updated with all cell phone numbers, only land lines.

If you attempt to search for the number and nothing comes up, your only option is to use a paid service. Research your options well as new websites are being created every day. Try to use an established and well known website. A minute or two of perusing the site will usually show you how professional a business is.

Remember also that most of these sites are only for U.S. based phone numbers. If you are attempting to look up a number from overseas, in most cases your search will be fruitless.  Your only option here is to call it back or ignore it.

Remember, if the number is related to a prank call, you can have the number blocked and report the calls to your phone company and the police. *60 can be used from a land line to screen and block any calls you might receive.

How to Trace Cell Phone Numbers Free of Charge Online the Reverse Way

When you hear the word ‘tracking’, it usually connotes activities that involve some form of investigation. But did you know that even ordinary individuals can now perform tracking, cell phone number tracking that is. Telecommunications have gone a long way and it seems that cellular phones are now considered as necessities rather than a luxury.
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